Online Exam Preparation
Taking your first online exam? We've got you covered! Here's what you need to prepare to ace that competition!
Secure your login credentials
An email will be sent to your registered email 2 - 4 weeks before the date of the contest, it will contain the following:
Exam link
Examinee's username and password
Exam schedule
A PDF copy of the guidelines
If you did not receive any emails regarding the competition, here are a few fixes:
It might not be in your main inbox, so check your "spam" folder.
If you have a lot of emails in your inbox, it might be a bit hard to locate the specific email. Try using the search bar on the top of the email dashboard and type in keywords relevant to the competition. Terms like "motli", "guidelines", and such are usually good picks!
If you do not have access to the registered email or have not found the email after the first two solutions, feel free to contact us.
Make sure you have the right computer hardware
It is important to have the proper hardware to ensure a seamless experience. Please note that procuring hardware below the minimum requirements may result in technical issues. The minimum requirements are listed below.
Processor Intel Core i5 7th generation or better
8GB RAM or higher
WIndows 8 OS or higher
A working webcam and microphone
For Apple M series users, the platform should work smoothly, so no worries!
It is important to know that most laptops are already equipped with a webcam and microphone, visit the technical guide if you are not sure if these are working or not.
If you are not sure if your computer matches these specifications? click here to see our technical guide.
Check your internet connection
A stable internet connection is needed for a seamless, lag-free experience.
We recommend an internet connection with at least 10 mbps for a smooth exam. Try to take a speedtest 1 hour before the exam to minimize issues.
If resources permit (not mandatory), we recommend also setting up a backup internet connection via a secondary internet provider or a mobile hotspot.
I think we all have had bad experiences with our internet providers once or twice before, so better be safe and prepared!
If you are not sure if your internet matches these specs or need help making it faster? click here to see our technical guide.
Install our preferred browsers
For a better experience, we recommend using the following internet browsers:
These browsers are optimized for examonline's platform, ensuring the best performance. You are still allowed to use your preferred platform, but it's nice to keep one of these as a backup!