Announcing the Results of the Philippine International Mathematical Olympiad 2023

9/28/20231 min read

From September 22 to 25, 2023, the vibrant city of Davao, Philippines, became a hub of mathematical brilliance as it hosted the prestigious Philippine International Mathematical Olympiad. This event brought together some of the brightest young minds from across the globe.

🔍 Participating Countries:

  • Iran

  • Cambodia

  • Japan

  • Australia

  • Thailand

  • Vietnam

  • Myanmar

  • Indonesia

  • Malaysia

  • Philippines

This year's competition was nothing short of spectacular, with participants showcasing their exceptional skills and passion for mathematics. The problems posed were challenging and thought-provoking, pushing the boundaries of mathematical creativity and ingenuity.

After days of intense competition and camaraderie, we are thrilled to announce the results. The competition was fierce, and every participant showed remarkable talent and dedication.

🏆 Winners Announcement:

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners and participants. Your hard work, dedication, and love for mathematics have truly shined through.

A special thank you to the organizers, volunteers, and sponsors who made this event possible. Your commitment to fostering mathematical talent and promoting international collaboration is invaluable.

This Olympiad has not only been a competition but also a celebration of cultural exchange and intellectual growth. We look forward to seeing these young mathematicians continue to flourish and make their mark in the world of mathematics.

#PIMO2023 #MathOlympiad #InternationalMathematics